The Territorial Service for the Promotion of Employment in Valencia – Dirección Territorial de Conselleria Economía Sostenible, Sectores Productivos, Comercio y Trabajo de Valencia de la GENERALITAT VALENCIANA; has decided to grant ZARAGOZÁ MEDIENERCO, S.L.U for recruitment in the context of the programs for the promotion of employment within the territorial area of the Valencian Community.
ECOJUP – 2020
A subsidy program aimed at promoting the hiring of qualified young people for internships, in accordance with the resolution of 30 December, 2019 of the general director of LABORA Valencian Employment and Training Service (DOGV of February 13, 2020), convening the programme for the promotion of the hiring of qualified young people (Avalem Joves) for the financial year 2020, within the framework of the National Youth Guarantee System.
• File No.: ECOJUP/2020/34/46
• Amount granted: 11.305,00 €
Collectives of unemployed people targeted by the Operational Programme of the European Social Fund 2014-2020 of the Valencian Community within the Priority of Investment 9.1 (active inclusion, promoting equal opportunities, active participation and improving the possibility of finding a job) of Thematic Objective 9 (promote social inclusion and fight against poverty and any form of discrimination)
Financing entity